Latest exhibition: our non-human psyche’s press release us out. Below is a brief snippet from the essay Ben Bazevski wrote up about the experience and the entire release can be accessed here

Exploring the edge of a forest, we are called further into its cradle of trees and rocks. How do they receive us? How do they relate with us? What do they tell us? If only we could hear their primordial hum, no longer familiar and forgotten.

Consider the immensity and expanse of time, speaking through and to our ancient biology while exploring the purity of nature, our own receptivity to it, and the subtle frequencies when we visit those slow and still silent places.

Our Non-human Psyche is a stunning visual attempt to decentralise the human in our collective narrative – in her collection of finely intricate ink drawings of trees, moss, stones and dry lakes, Lux Eterna invites us to appreciate the overwhelming truth of what we’re not really seeing, what we don’t make time to see, feel and experience. The meditative quality of Lux’s works, are evidenced in repetitive minute details, which tune into and are emblematic of cellular frequencies deep within our non-human kin. Re-instilling a reverence towards these ancient living beings so close to us, in us, perhaps that we can begin to ordain our spirituality in this reality.

Ruth Hessey at Eastside 89.7FM interviews Lux Eterna on her upcoming solo exhibition ‘our non-human kin’ at Stanley St Gallery, Darlinghurst, Nov 18 - Dec 12

Article written by Eleni Zaras on Palestinian art exhibitions in D.C., USA. Lux’s series: Decolonising the Gaze and her video works have been on exhibit at the Museum of the Palestinian People Mar-Sept 2020.

This endeavour has been proudly supported by Create NSW.